Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Will Collier said it the best at his site...  BREAKING: NCAA Formally Clears Auburn.

Let me repeat the best parts of his post:
"For nearly a year now, haters from coast to coast--but especially in Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Starkville and Gainesville--have been predicting that Auburn would receive a letter from the NCAA.  This afternoon, that prediction came true.  Problem for them is, the letter exonerates AU...

Pete Thamel (hey Pete, NOW we know it's over), Thayer Evans, Joe Schad, Mark Schlabach, Chris Low, Spencer Hall, Matt Hinton, Danny Sheridan, Paul Finebaum, Dan Mullen, Megan Mullen, Urban Meyer, Jody Wright and a host of other goons who did their damnedest to do to Auburn off the field what Auburn did to their teams on the field in 2010 were not immediately available for comment.

So: despite the uncountable amounts of ink, pixels and bandwidth spent predicting doom upon the Plains, there will be no probation. There will be no vacations, no forfeits, no returned trophies, and no asterisks. The 2010 season will remain what it always was: glorious.

Boys, you can pick up your crow at Cam's house. He'll be glad to serve it to you... at high velocity. "

Back to my take...  IN YOUR FACE ALL OF YOU.  In fact, after being put under through the ringer like Auburn has with hundreds of people investigating for almost a year now desperate to find anything to hang us with, I would dare say AUBURN IS ONE OF THE CLEANEST NATIONAL CHAMPIONS especially compared to any school that has won it recently especially our SEC bretheren who have tried so desperately to throw us under the bus.  There is no way any school that was dirty could stand up to the spotlight Auburn has endured (ASK OHIO STATE AND MIAMI).  Yet we will continue to be insulted and disrespected while other schools and their fans who look down on us would never be able to stand up to the scrutiny Auburn has received.  In fact I would dare say there are not many schools at all that could stand up to the scrutiny Auburn has been under without something being found.

I am not even saying Auburn is perfectly clean and even if we had been found guilty of some lesser things I would still say the same things.  Auburn was completely mutilated in the media and in the court of public opinion without even a stitch of evidence that Auburn had done anything wrong.  We were treated ridiculously unfairly.  We were declared guilty after the first accusation and then every "theory" dreamed up by any loser was treated like biblical truth. 

Well it does not sound like we are giving ANYTHING BACK.  I heard and read so many smug people predicting that.  Well one more time...  YOU WERE WRONG.  I think it might be time to go back and watch some of those highlights from last year and get that little bit of enjoyment that everyone tried to take away from us.  Cam Newton was and will always be one of the greatest college players ever and the 2010 Auburn Tigers were and always will be champions (and I would still take them against the top two teams currently this year). 



  1. Several of the people you just named were completely mutilated in the media as well, and all based on rumors created and spread from people just like yourself. Auburn was not the only victim. There were lots of people affected by this investigation..again, not just Auburn.

  2. Anonymous,
    I am not sure who was mutilated in the media anywhere close to Auburn and the Newton family but would like to know. I am not sure what rumors were spread by people like myself but also would like to know. I would agree lots of people were affected by this investigation not just Auburn but I think Auburn is pretty high on the list. I mean it would be hard to overestimate the number of attacks in the media on Auburn in the last year.
